No proffesion that doesn't need physical fitness. Even a stock-market trader, for example, who only sitting and watching the monitor, will not make any good judgment for buying, hold or selling the stocks without a good mind condition. (Un)fortunately good mind only like to stay in a good healthy body.

Selasa, 30 April 2013

Running and Yoga

I was so happy when finally I found a football field at edge of the village. The field is surrounding by paddy farm. The place is so quite that I may run or exercise without attract residents of the village.  After a while, I just remember when I was very young when I was able to do a difficult poses of Asanas of Yoga, sirsasana, a supported headstand. I did it perhaps more than 20 years ago and I want to do it again here.  As I remember by this pose the flow of blood to head become swifter, promoting sensitivity of hearing, sight and ability of brain. I tried it and finally I could do the pose, after so many times efforts.

Now, every morning after running, while the body is still sweating and blood flow pounding, I do Sirsasana.  As I learn, this pose comprises of three important movement. First the starting movement, changing normal position to reverse position. I laid my head down on the grass and my arms around my head. Then, by one of my foot pushing entire body up. The secret is to move the load of the body from foot to the arms. The second movement is how the arm receiving and muffling this movement of power, balance it and slowly rising the legs up. Last movement is to maintain the stability of the inverted straight body. This movement needs strength of both arms, while head and neck become the base of the entire body. As my experience the stability can be more maintained while we opening the eyes.

Doing headstand on the wet green grass outdoor, in the open space is an amazing experience. All different kind of grass stems appear reversed. Scenery is like in a fairy tale story . The view in front of the eyes is very different and …. funny.

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